Articles on: FAQ

Message and Flow Archives

Messages and flow runs older than 90 days get moved to archives that you can access from your account page. This lets you more easily download your historical data and keeps your web dashboard nice and light with only the most relevant data.

You can access your current archives by visiting your account page and clicking on the archives section. You can download archives per day or per month and they are in the same format as our API endpoints so you can use the same tools to process them.

While you will stop seeing messages and flow runs older than 90 days on your inbox and contact pages, you will still be able to download your messages and flow runs via the same Excel export functionality you know and love.

Note that if you are using our API to retrieve messages or flow runs older than 90 days, you'll need to adapt these to use the new archives API endpoint as well. Find TextIt endpoints here and RapidPro endpoints here.

Updated on: 03/12/2021

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