Exporting Flow Results
Exporting results from a single flow
To export your flow results, simply choose the flow you'd like to view under the Flows tab, then click the ☰ menu icon in the upper right-hand corner:
Next, choose "Results":
You'll be brought to the results page for your flow:
Click the "Download" option from the dropdown at the top right corner:
You'll be prompted to select the items you'd like to export:
After you click "Download", you will see the following message letting you know that it will be ready in your Notifications in your workspace.
See your Notifications at the bottom left of your workspace to find your export:
Exporting results from multiple flows
To export results from more than one flow, first navigate to the 'Flows' tab. From there, choose the desired flows from the list:
Next, click on download icon at the top of the list and choose the data you'd like to include in the export. These options include group memberships, contact fields, extra URNs, and only exporting the results for contacts who responded:
Once you click 'Export', you'll see a message at the top of the page letting you know the export can be found in your Notifications when ready.
Note that your export's results columns will be in the order in which they appear, top to bottom, in your flow.
Questions? Send us a message via the support widget in the bottom right corner.
Updated on: 23/01/2024
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