Introduction to Telegram Channels
, Telegram channel gives you access to a super-fast, simple, and free platform used by over 500 million people around the world through any mobile device. Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging service - similar to WhatsApp and WeChat - with a focus on speed, openness, and security. It's open source and encrypted end-to-end, meaning that all data sent and received via Telegram cannot be deciphered when intercepted by yourPopularIntroduction to Channels
Channels allow you to send and receive messages or phone calls through your account. You can connect up to 10 channels, including multiple channels of the same type. Channel Types Available channel types include aggregators (SMS & Voice), Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Instagram, and morePopularAdding a Telegram Channel
You can add a Telegram channel just like you would any other channel: simply log in to your account with us, navigate to the settings page, and click + New channel. Select the Telegram option, which is the first. You'll be asked to enter an authentication token from your Telegram Bot, which is provided after you create it in Telegram. You will need to create a Telegram account and download the app to your device. Follow the instructions provided below to create youPopularAdding a Twilio Messaging Service
Twilio recently optimized its platform to accommodate programmatic SMS messaging at scale. This upgrade allows for the creation of a messaging service, which enables you to dedicate multiple local Twilio numbers to a single channel, and improve SMS delivery with phone number intelligence via the Programmable SMS features availablePopularTwilio Supported Countries for Two-Way SMS
Twilio two-way SMS messages allow you to carry on a conversation by both sending and receiving text messages. See more about using two-way SMS via Twilio here. While not complete, the list of Twilio's supported countries ( readersSetting a Contact's Preferred Channel
Default Behavior By default, we will match contacts with channels using the following criteria: If you have multiple channels of the same type connected to your account, the channel that the contact last initiated contact with will be prioritized. Contacts can be locked-in to a relationship with a specific channel (they'll only receive messages from this channel) under thesSome readersAdding a Twilio Number
To send and receive messages through a Twilio channel, you'll need to create a Twilio account and purchase a virtual number, and connect it to your TextIt account. We recommend purchasing a toll-free number ($2/month) if you're deploying in the US or Canada. NOTE: Trial virtual numbers provided by Twilio are not sufficient for testing- they will not allow for sending or receiving real messages. If you'd like to test your flows prior to committing to a TwilioSome readersManaging Opt-Outs on Twilio Channels
Opt-outs are common among SMS and IVR services. According to the TCPA, your contacts should have the ability to do so at any time. Use this guide to learn how to track and manage these contacts via Twilio and your Nyaruka account. How Twilio Manages Opt-outs When a contact sends: STOP, STOPALL, UNSUBSCRIBE, CANCEL, END, or QUIT to one of your Twilio numbers, Twilio will prevent them from receiving any additional messages until that contact responds START. Specifically, they'll receive the fSome readersAdd a Facebook Page to Create a Messenger Channel
Facebook has updated its integration policies, so you can now easily connect a Facebook page to create a Messenger channel in just moments. If you've already integrated a bot under Facebook's old policies, then you do not need to take any further action. Your channel will continue to work as always. Add a Page Go to your Workspace Settings page and click the ' + New Channel' button. ( readersIntegrating Using the External Channel API
Although we provide integrations with dozens of various aggregators such as Twilio, Vonage, and others, you may need to integrate with other systems. Our External Channel API makes this quick and easy. Here are the steps: Go to your account page by clicking your 'Settings' button at the bottom of the left sidebar and click the " + New Channel" button. (https://storage.crisp.cSome readersWhatsApp Template Languages
If you are using WhatsApp templates, you'll need to make sure to create those templates with the correct languages so that they map correctly to the languages in your account. Note that due to how the two platforms treat languages, there are a few WhatsApp languages that have no direct analogs. Specifically, you should avoid using the following languages that are specific to regions, just use the generic language instead: Chinese (HKG) (zhHK) Chinese (TAI) (zhTW) English (UK)Few readersAdding Channels
You can add a channel to your workspace by navigating to your account settings page. Simply click the settings icon at the bottom left corner of your screen, then click the + New channel button. Questions about channel types? Check out our Introduction to Channels article. Need to know how to add a specific type of channel? HeFew readersIntroduction to Facebook Messenger
In 2016, Facebook launched the Messenger Platform, a platform that allows developers to communicate with over 900 million monthly Facebook Messenger users on behalf of any Facebook Page (brand, business or cause). Accordingly, we released a Facebook Messenger channel that will allow you to leverage our visual, comprehensive drag-and-drop interface to build and deploy your own MessFew readersAdding a Voice Enabled Vonage Number
Nexmo is now Vonage! Follow these steps to add a voice-enabled number to your workspace.Few readersAdding an Instagram channel
To add an Instagram channel to your TextIt workspace, follow these steps: Create a business account on Instagram. You will need to create a business account or switch a personal account to a professional one so that we can access its features. Go to your Instagram profile and tap the menu icon ☰ on the right. Then, go to settings, click accounts, and tap switch to professional account at the bottom. For more details, click here. ( readersHow to Split by Channel in a Flow
If you want your flow to send via a certain channel, you can set the channel(s) by using a Split by Expression action using the expression. In the following example, we're setting our flow to run over a Telegram channel: Here's how we set up the Split by Expression action: ( readersUsing WhatsApp
toYou can integrate a WhatsApp channel to TextIt with a provider such as Twilio and 360Dialogue. Using Message Templates WhatsApp providers require templates in order to send messages outside of the 24-hour communication window. For that to work, TextIt syncs those templates so you can configure them in your flow. You must get your templates approved by your provider to use them. (https://storaFew readersRemoving a Channel
and To remove a channel from your account: Go to your workspace settings page, under channels, and click the channel you want to remove. In the selected channel's performance page, click the ☰ menu icon and select the "Delete" option.Few readersRestricting Sending to International Numbers
Your channel's phone number may automatically allow sending messages to international numbers, which could cause carrier or aggregator fees to add up. To avoid international messaging charges, you can choose to restrict sending. First, navigate to your settings account page and click the phone number you'd like to restrict under Channels: On the following page, click on the ☰Few readers