Adding and Updating a Contact Field
When a contact field is created, the default value is null unless the field is imported with a pre-existing value. To change the value of a recently-created contact field, you can update it using this action or by editing a contact field value via the Contacts tab. For example, when a new phone number sends a message to a channel connected to your account, a new contact will be created with a null Name value and null values for every contact field you've added. The new contact willPopularImporting Contacts
Importing Contacts Importing contacts allows you to add entire groups of contacts to our platform using a simple XLS (MS Excel) spreadsheet. Note that you must have a channel connected to your account to import contacts. To import contacts, simply import an XLS spreadsheet containing: Address columns corresponding to the addresses each contact may contain (Some readersCreating Custom Contact Fields
Recall that each contact is assigned attributes, called contact fields, that hold values such as their names, phone numbers, and any other individual information you want to include. Contact fields are divided into two types, default fields, and custom fields, and they can hold three types of values: text, numeric, or date & time. Note that only date & time values can be used for custom contact fields withinSome readersDelete Contacts
It is important to note that if you delete any contacts, they cannot be recovered. To delete a contact, they must first be placed in the 'Archived' folder. You can manually delete individual contacts or send an entire group through a flow to update their status to 'Archived' for easy bulk deletion. Manually Delete Contacts To permanently delete an individual contact, first navigate to the "Contacts" tab in your accSome readersSetting the Language for a Contact
We allow you to set each of your contacts' language preferences. Once set, these will be the languages in which your contacts receive messages for translated flows. Contacts Tab To set a contact's language preference via the "Contacts" tab: Navigate to the "Contacts" tab, then click the contact whose language you want to update Click on the ☰ menu icon and select the Edit option. The Edit Contact dialogue will aSome readersSearching for Contacts
In addition to searching for contacts by name or phone number, you can place queries in the search bar on your contacts tab or in the 'Start Flow' dialogue to search for contacts based on the values in their contact fields. Queries The query you enter will operate on all contact fields present in your account. Note that fields and values are not case sensitive withinSome readersContact Information Anonymization
With thisWe understand that some use cases require contact information to be handled sensitively. With this in mind, we added an anonymization feature that'll replace each contact's name with a random code and completely remove their address (their phone number, or an ID associated with their Facebook or Telegram accounts): Note that 'None' is the default value displayed for emptSome readersBlocking Contacts
In rare instances, contacts may abuse your service or send offensive messages. You can manually block individual contacts or update the contact's Status to "blocked" within a flow. Manually Block Contacts Block contacts by navigating to the Contacts tab, highlighting the contact by clicking the box to the left of their name, and clicking the Block icon. All incoming messages from blocked contacts will be archived and they are removed from groups. ( readersUpdating a Custom Contact Field Type
New custom contact fields created in a flow are automatically set to the default text field type. You can update the field type from text to number, date & time, state, district, or ward. It's important to note that only a date & time field type can be used in campaign events. In the example below, we're updating the field type to Date & Time to be able to use the field in a campaign event. First, we'll click on the 'Fields' button within the 'Contacts' page:Few readersIntroduction to Contacts
A contact is an end-user that has interacted or will interact with your account. Communication with contacts occurs via a channel. A contact can be: created within the Contacts tab automatically generated when a new phone number interacts with your account via a channel or imported into your account via an XLS spreadsheet. From the ContactFew readersWhat is a "Featured" Contact Field?
Notice that on a contact's page, there are 3 different fields shown. In this example, we see "Age", "Registration Date", and "Gender": These are contact fields that are "featured", meaning they will appear at the top of your contact's individual contact page, reached via the Contacts tab. You can also see featured contact fieldsFew readersCreating a Contact
To create a contact: Navigate to the "Contacts" tab. Click the menu icon on the right hand side, then on "New Contact" 3. Enter the name and phone number of the contact. All phone numbers added to the platform must contain a country code, thus adhering to the E164 format. More on that here. ( readersHow do I Manage Contact Fields?
To reach this page, first click on the Contacts tab at the top of your account: Next, click the Fields button: This will take you to the Manage Contact Fields page where you can create, update, and delete your contact fields. You can also see which contact fields are "featured", and where they are being usedFew readersEditing Default & Custom Fields
Editing Default Fields Default fields can be added and edited manually via the Edit Contact dialogue located within each contact's profile page. Default fields include a contact's name, groups, and addresses. To access the Update Contact dialogue, navigate to a contact's profile page and Click the "Edit" button at the top right: ( readersContact Statuses
A contact's status will affect their group membership and whether they can receive outgoing messages or send incoming messages. Active contacts maintain all of their group memberships and will both receive your outgoing messages and be able to send you incoming messages. Stopped contacts have opted-out from receiving your messages (/en/article/tracking-and-managinFew readersUsing the 'Last Seen On' Contact Field
Using the 'Last Seen On' field in a campaign or a contact search helps identify contacts who've last communicated with you relative to date. You can use this field to find contacts who've been unresponsive or dormant and reach out to them or delete them from your database. Searching with 'Last Seen On' UsiFew readersUpdating a Contact's Status in a Flow
A contact can have 4 possible statuses: Active - The contact will receive your outbound messages and can send incoming messages. Stopped - The contact is removed from all groups and will no longer receive your messages. The contact is ignored until they send an incoming message, opting them back in.Few readersArchiving Contacts in a Flow for Easy Deletion
In order to delete contacts, they must first be placed in the 'Archived' folder in the 'Contacts' tab. You could manually move contacts into the 'Archived' folder, but what about many at once? Do this with a flow. Add any unwanted contacts to a group. For dormant contacts, reFew readersExporting Contact Groups
To export a contact group, first navigate to the "Contacts" tab, on the left-hand side, you can scroll down to find the group you want to export and click on it: Next, click the ☰ menu icon in the upper right-hand corner and choose "Export": You will be asked whichFew readersPlacing Contacts in the 'Stopped' Folder
Depending on the channel type, such as Twilio, a contact will automatically be placed in the 'Stopped' folder in the 'Contacts' tab if they've opted-out of receiving your messages. These contacts are removed from all groups. If the channel does not already have opt-out keywords, you can build your own opt-out language into your flows, which is considered a best practice. You can uFew readersContact Message History
In addition to seeing when a contact has started and completed a flow and campaign events, when a contact is interrupted or expired in a flow, all the messages received from and sent to a contact, and upcoming events, we've updated the contact message history page to include more detailed information including the following: contactlanguagechanged: the primary language of theFew readersSorting Contact Field View
By clicking on the column header of a featured contact field on your Contact page, you can change how the fields are sorted. For example, we can change how the fields are viewed to either sort youngest to oldest or vice versa. In the example below, we've changed how the 'Created On' date is sorted, oldest to most recent and then, most recent to oldest: ( readersHow Can I View Where Contact Fields are Used?
First, navigate to the "Fields" page. Do this by clicking the "Contacts" tab at the top of your page and then the Fields button: You'll be brought to your "Manage Contact Fields" page: By clicking on that link icon next to the name of the field, we can seeFew readersDeleting Contact Fields
If you no longer need a contact field, you can remove it by simply clearing its name in the Manage Fields dialogue. Note that this will remove all values associated with that field. To remove a contact field: Navigate to the "contacts" tab. Click the "Fields" button. Find the contact field you want to remove and hover over it Click the " X " that will be at the right end. ( readersChanging the Order of Featured Fields on the Contacts Page
When viewing your featured fields on the Contacts page, you will see that they are organized left to right starting from the earliest creation date. In the example below, the contact field age was created at an earlier date than Due date. To change how the contact field columns are viewed, first, click Fields (/en/artFew readersDelete contacts in Blocked or Stopped folder
Note that once you delete these contacts, you will not be able to recover them. From your contacts tab, click on the folder when you want to delete from, Blocked or Stopped folder, and select the contacts by checking the box on the left side of the name: ( readers